“What’s the occasion?” Come on, there must be more to it then that? You mean just because? Hm,mm, Thank You.” How many women long to hear that? Built within is that great longing to be loved. However, not all that offer that affection are true and genuine. That’s when your little antennas go up to discern the underlying motives behind your admirer. Now if you have made Jesus your Savior and LORD, your one of God’s Highly prized daughter. ( Oh yes, the same thing is true to those who are admiring the precious son’s of God.) You See God has a special and unique plan for you. A plan that is so fulfilling and invigorating, that ministers life. So make sure you pay close attention to the stop signs, those checks, those looks that if need be the Savior would give you. There are those that can put the breaks on God’s plans for your life. Their Spirit is not right.
1 John 4 :1b
4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God…