Unfeigned Love

Where does it come from? Well it’s source and origin did not originate on earth. Long before man existed, there was God. Sooo desiring to have a family. Wanting someone made in His image and in His likeness, to hang out with. I can imagine Him pondering the thought of Creation. How marvelous would it be to reach out and touch one who could reach out and touch back. Now through the ages, and through a series of monumental events, we have the opportunity to reach out and touch Him through His Son Jesus Christ. Reach up and touch the a Father God  by receiving Jesus into your heart. Ask Him to come into your heart right now. 

Pray this: Lord I come to you. 

Come into my heart Lord Jesus. 

I make you Lord of My Life.

I turned from my sins.

Fill me with your precious Holy Spirit.

Thank you, In Jesus Name Amen

If you prayed that prayer, welcome to the family of God! It was just that simple. He will make Himself known to you. His hand is upon your life now. I pray that God will direct your heart and steps into a fellowship of faith and love. 

Those of you that are underground. Sit tight, be still Don’t move before the Lord directs you. He will keep you in safety. ❤️❤️❤️

John 3:16

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.    

The Joy of Christian Living

Joy rushes out of me in times of disturbance. That’s why I keep a full tank of Joy at all times. Some of our journeys can be long, some bumper to bumper. Some journeys appear smooth at first, but the pavement along the way may have potholes. I lost a hubcap traveling on that way one day. I notice that there were many hubcaps along the sides of the road on that trip. So my spirit must remain sooo full of joy, that at the slightest pickle, I begin to giggle then I keep control of my vehicle; keeping a steady course, then a smile and a kind word I won’t have to force. 

Philippians 4:4-8 King James Version (KJV)

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. 5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Heavy Actions

Weighty matters require weighty actions. That’s why our witness in this life will carry weight, as we develop the gifts of the Spirit that mirrors the actual projection into dark regions as the Lord requires. You see if others have their own system a beliefs when you present the gospel, they will pull out their own gospel to counter it. But if you allow the Spirit to move as He desires, canes and crutches will go to falling and even the most studios of their way will admire. Then preaching becomes sweat-less, and Victory gained is Sweet. God is ready to confirm his word through you.

Mark 16:20

And  they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

Willing Workers

Are you willing as a busy bee, to work at one common goal? We as the body of Christ need to be working together and sharing forth the Love of Jesus. Entering into homes, through radio an tv, and no not just those mediums alone. Foot soldiers, the King needs Foot soldiers, so that in every place on the earth, the good news gospel of salvation will blanket and cover every nations.

1 Cor. 3:9
For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

To the Utmost Jesus Saves

We call Him Savior because when we called upon His name with all of our hearts, he answered. He made his presence known. He change the atmosphere in our souls, and brought the new birth into our hearts. When Jesus walked the earth, he spoke to a ruler in Israel and said ye must be born again. He said, “How can a man be born again when he is old, shall he go back into his mother’s womb? But he said, “that which is born of the flesh is flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. You can be born again too. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and he will make himself known to you. You will never be the same.

John 3:9-15

“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.
“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and you do not understand these things? Truly, truly, I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, and yet you people do not accept our testimony.
If I have told you about earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you about heavenly things? No one has ascended into heaven except the One who descended from heaven—the Son of Man Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.

In His Likeness

When God made man in his image, in the beginning, he was made with no flaws. And through the New Birth; yes! (receiving Jesus) Thank God! Were not under the curse of the law. Then what surrounds us, as we surround our hearts with His flawless word, please hear, is a spirit of peace and love and confidence, and not a spirit of fear.

2 Tim. 1:7

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Raised Up Together

Let them have dominion. Who is the them that is spoken of? Christ came to restore man’s dominion in the earth. But dear brothers in the Lord you must analyze the text:

Gen. 1:26,27 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; MALE and FEMALE created he THEM.

He had included the female in his original plan to have just as much dominion as the male. Both created in his image, both created in his likeness. Now take the brakes off of those women who are being called into the ministry. You’ll have to give an account before God for holding back the Holy Ghost who is separating them into the work as well. Remember God raised the Apostle Paul up to bring the gentiles in and to teach that Jesus fulfilled the Law. So women were to be free to resume their positions by faith out from under the law as well; working side by side with the male.

Pulling Back on The Reigns

If your speaking words that are damaging to yourself or others, cancel them in the name of Jesus. That keeps the enemy from launching an attack that will be affective against you, or them. Putting pressure on bit affects the horses motion, pulling back on the reigns, he adjusts his course. Putting pressure on your tongue by pulling back on the reigns of “derogatory speech” and replacing it with the word of God, changes life’s direction.

James 1:26
If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain.

An Open Door

Love opens doors because God will get behind it and push them open. To the church at Philadelphia Rev. 3:8 To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of the One who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What He opens, no one will shut; and what He shuts, no one will open. I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

Groaning And Travailing Until Now!

They are the shoot He hath planted, the work of His hands, for the display of His splendor. Ohhh, all those who revere his Law of love, even the earth itself comes in subjection to them.

Romans 8:20-22 kjv For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope, Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
