Heading the Other Direction

Don’t get stuck in the wrong position, lift up your countenance.

When you liven up, even as symptoms are increasing, your action of faith will cause every symptom to leave. Not only speaking and seeing yourself well but your position in made known by your actions. …By his stripes ye were healed

1 Peter 2:24b 

Proverbs 15:15

15 All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast

The Friend of God

Wouldn’t you like to be called the friend of God?

Its very much possible because we are in his family, now we have to start acting and behaving and trusting like Sons and Daughters would do their natural parent. ( If you haven’t made Jesus the Lord of your life, do it now, he’s waiting to introduce you to the Father).In younger years, sometimes children are reluctant to believe that their parent has there best interests at heart, and many strike out on their own, only coming to realize that their parents were right all along. Many of the hardships could have been avoided if the parents were honored with the greater respect. Much hardship and Misfortune could have been avoided. Now when it comes to God the Father, will you press in and believe that he has your best interest at heart? God needs you as his friend.

James 2:23

And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.

Drawing Closer than Ever Before

Seeing with God’s Eyes,what must that be like? Just as we glory at a new born baby, so the Father glories over every new babe that comes to Jesus Christ. So special and precious are you in his sight. He’s drawing closer than he ever has before, because you receive Christ and opened your hearts door.

Jeremiah 31:3

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee

Seated High Above

When you know who you are in Christ Jesus;

when you know what you possess in Christ Jesus,

when you know what you can do in Christ Jesus,

then your seated high above, and your wrapped in his never failing Love.❤️❤️❤️

Eph. 2:6,7

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace,expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.

Miracles are Happening

This is the year of the Favor Of The Lord.

Miracles are Happening. Finacial Miracles, Physical Miracles, Miraculous Deliverances, God is showing up and showing out.

2 Chronicles 16:9a

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart isperfect toward him..


The Fruit of Peace

Ohh all the world needs this fruit to be manefest before them today. Will go deeper into the spiritual realm with the Father? He needs vessels that men and women can turn to in the midst of the crisis.

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You.

So Shall Ye Be My Disciples


The Lord’s criteria for discipleship, what can this be?

In the book of John; Before Jesus suffered for the sins of the world; he spoke very clearly to those with him. Let’s hear his very words as he speaks to those followers:

“6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.
7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” ohn 15:6-8

The key to being a disciple is to remain and abide, in him and in his word. He’s calling for you. Will you walk closely? It’s time to leave the masses to follow the King.

Fruit Which Remains

Fruit Which Remains

This is an interesting statement because in the natural, everything ages and passes away. But here Jesus is speaking of a legacy which will follow you. And when your received up into glory, its left behind for men to admire. As we read verse 16 of chapter 15 in the book of John, we see that this type of fruit is prayer fruit. So that when you ask for something, you receive it. No greater testimony can you leave here in the earth than that of God hearing you, and answering your prayers. What fellowship, what great commradryship you can have when you abide in the Vine and He in you.

John 15:16

16. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

Grace So Amazing

Grace-God’s ability on your ability.

It’s one thing to stretch forth your hand, but it’s another entirely when you stretch forth your hand and God’s hand comes on the scene at the same time. Man! Thats when your going to get a whole lot more accomplished then you ever could imagine. Lets actively seek to walk in the grace of the Almigthy, things will get interseting pretty quickly when you do.

1 Cor. 15:10 But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

I Can’t Feel Your Presence


Ohhh I hope your not in this situation, for God is right there. He is as close as your next breath. You see he promised never to leave you, never to leave you alone. Take a deep breathe, open your bible to Hebrews 13:5. And begin to think. GOD IS RIGHT HERE! Awww, you will begin to sense his presence again. Because your approaching him in faith.

Hebrews 13:5b-6
5b For He Himself has said,  “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 6 So we may boldly say:

“The Lord is my helper;

I will not fear.

What can man do to me?”