Let’s Get Filled


By now, you must be thoroughly excited about your new life as a child of God. Once again, I’m thanking God that you have found a wonderful church home that will help to nurture you and keep you growing. ❤
Let’s get filled with his precious Holy Spirit now. Oh but wait, let me show you the importance. When you received Jesus into your life, Your were sealed by his Spirit. That means your in the family for good! This is found in Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13. If you recall, I had you read two prayers in the book of Ephesians that would help God open the scriptures in your heart. We are to thank him everyday for that. We are also to thank him everyday for all christians, that God has open the scriptures for them as well. That’s a good worker for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He’s proud of you and will reward you too. So let’s go on a little further.
The Holy Spirit of God is in your life now, for he has sealed you together in the family, But to be empowered to serve as you should, you must asked God to fill you to overflowing with his precious Holy Spirit. That’s right. There is a book called the book of Acts. It comes right after the four books written giving the account of Jesus Life and ministry. Those four books are called “the Four Gospels.” In the book of Acts, Jesus instructed those who believed in him not to leave Jerusalem till they would be endued, or filled with power from on high. You see he had breathed on them and they were sealed. We find this in John Chapter 20 and verse 22. But to these same ones that he breathed on he gave this command. The second chapter of the book of Acts gives the account of the Holy Spirit coming down to fill them with power so that they would be affective witness for him. What we mean by affective is that they would be able to accomplish the work that the Lord had them to do. If you remember reading through the book of John, you will remember Jesus say, in John Chapter 14, “I will have to return to heaven, but I will not leave you alone. I will pray to the Father and he will send you another comforter, that he may be with you forever; Even The Spirit Of Truth whom the world cannot receive, because they don’t see him, neither do they know him. “ He said the disciples knew him for he was with them but he would be in them. Then he also told them in John chapter 15, that when the comforter is come ( that’s the Holy Spirit) he would bare witness or tell of the truth of Christ. He will help you to communicate to others about Jesus and will give you boldness and courage and he will bring to your memory all Jesus taught. Then as you keep studying the Bible he will lead you in deeper ways to help people receive healing, and release them from all forms of oppression. And of course, lead them to receive Jesus into their hearts as well. He will also lead you in areas of protection.
Once you’ve asked God to fill you to overflowing, you will be certain of his presence, for you will be given a new language. That’s right. You will open your mouth and prepare to speak it. Then the Holy Spirit will help you form the words and it shall be so. This is called speaking in other tongues. Then everyday after you pray with your regular language, pause and pray in other tongues with your heavenly language. Praying this way is a spring board into learning more about your Father who is the Father of spirits. If you will do what Jude 20 says, to build up your most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit or other tongues, you will see the faith or belief your developing will increase and get stronger and stronger. Be sure to practice praying in other tongues in private for there are those who don’t understand yet and would ridicule. That’s right, but study the scriptures throughly and you will be able to lead them in as well. Jude is a book in the New Testament. There is a book called 1 Corinthians. In Chapter 14, read it for understand and be blessed. Oh, I will give more information of the Holy Spirit as you continue to engage in training as a disciple of our Lord.
In his service
Alberta Richard

Engaging in Training

Welcome once again. Now that you are firmly set in the family of God, by asking Jesus to be Lord of your life and come into our heart; you will want to become well trained and disciplined in your walk with him. This will ensure that he will be able to shower his blessings upon you. I previously mentioned reading through the book of John. Read it several times before going on to the other 3 books that describe Jesus’ life and ministry. Four writers were led by God’s precious Holy Spirit to give the account of his life and ministry. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each one, giving a little different perspective but once you’ve read them all, you will have the whole picture. John let’s you down deep into his heart, his trials with those who were supposed to have represented God, and his dialogue with them, and his derisive that his disciples follow him closely. Okay, one more assignment for now. There is a book called Ephesians. It’s in the New Testament along with the four accounts of the life of Christ. There are two prayers; found in the first and third chapters. Read them. Then pray them for yourself putting your name in place of the Ephesians’ name. And thank God everyday that he has answered your prayers, and watch him upon your understanding of the text. Oh yes, pray those prayers for every christian you know and thank him daily for their knowledge. Thus you will begin to work for the Lord. Now I will present a section on being filled with his precious Holy Spirit and your advantage in doing this. Be blessed.
Yours in his service
Minister Alberta Richard

Welcome To the Family

My dear friends, truely the only way to know the power in his loving embrace  is for you to seek him with all of your heart. We are bombarded with many things from sun up, till sun down. The businesses of life ways heavy on so very many. Set some time aside.  No really. You can do it.  Get your heart and mind still. Shhh. Now, say, dear Lord Jesus, I want to get to know you. Reveal yourself to me. I humbly ask. Teach me about the Father. In your name I pray. ( You see you can call God Your Father once you’ve asked Jesus to come into your heart.) That’s right he belongs to you, and you belong to him. Okay open your bible to the Gospel of John. There’s Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament. All for of these disciples wrote about the life of Jesus and his teachings. Take time to enjoy the life and legacy of our Lord. And the Spirit Of God will guide you through. Now I’m praying for you that God will lead you to a wonderful church that will help you and take care of you.

Hello World

This is a very exciting time. I’m so glad to present to you, the good news gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s such good news. Jesus came into the world to show us what God is like. He demonstrated the goodness of God as he walked the earth. All that were sick he healed. He brought hope to the hopeless. He shared the heart of the father by the love that he gave to the world. And he desires  more than anything, for you to get to know him personally. Come let us learn about the son of God. Come let us reach up to the father through the Son. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but the world through him might be saved. John 3:16,17